Tag: autoimmuneprotocol

Tuscan Chicken

If you serve this, no one will know that you are on some crazy healing diet.  They will just say, “YUM!”  I know, some of the ingredients used on the autoimmune protocol can seem unfamiliar, but not here.  You may even have many of the ingredients in your pantry.  And […]

Three Mocktails

One of the cruelest avoidances on the AIP diet, IMO, is that no alcohol is allowed.  I am a girl who very much enjoys the pairing of French wines and fine foods, a margarita and Mexican food, a burger and a beer, etc.  But my health is more important to […]

AIP “Mocha Latte”

Making the realization that I was going to have to give up my decades-long coffee habit to go on the autoimmune protocol just about made me want to cry.  I mean, I love coffee. I tried tea.  Meh.  I tried weaning myself off of coffee by going half-caf, and decaf, but […]